Brad Fishman helps you gain insight into the franchise end of Public Relations. His agency , Fishman Pres Relations, specializes in franchising and helps companies refine there messaging to customers and franchisees nationwide. Fishman Public Relations has been helping franchises for over 20 years and is the internationally recognized as a leader in public relations.
Brad is an expert in handling the publicity for new franchise openings, creating nationwide brand awareness, and also for spreading the word new franchise opportunities. He is also lauded to be one of the most well connected individuals who exist in the franchising industry. He is well known to be one of the most noted and commanding public relations and franchising international expert and speaker. Having spent more than 20 years in this field, he has been serving franchise clients from different backgrounds and has been helping them to develop successful lead generation campaigns, by leveraging successful public relations efforts.
If you attend any franchising event, in any part of the world, chances are likely you will find Brad Fishman there as one active participant or a keen observer. His regular participation keeps him in tune with all the latest news, trends, or the legislation in the franchise industry.